Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sofiah Complete, SJV9

Here is the complete model house...
Floorplan and price computation at for regular unit and for end unit.

Still uploading pics...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Santorina Complete

Below are pictures of Santorina Complete. Though it is sold now with concrete slab for the second floor, the design remains the same. Floor plan is the same...

Click on pictures to appreciate the big picture :)

Unfinished uploads...will continue asap...

Nidana Elite Model House, Jubilation East

As I've posted earlier, there are only 2 model units available. One is Nidana Elite and you'll find the details at including floor plans and features...

Model: Nidana Elite
Color Scheme: Almond Cota
Minimum Lot Area: 285sqm
Gross House Floor Area: 285sqm
Net Livable Area: 184-198sqm

As you enter the front entrance...

A bit to the left, the living area...

Door to the den or office or TV/computer room...

To look out the window will be the house front...

Looking out the see the area rug of the living area and afar off is the dining area...

From the front door to the right is the stairs and the door you see goes to the toilet & bath of a bedroom...

The shower is separate from the toilet area...

The shower...

The toilet...

Standing by the toilet door...

Standing from the shower, you see the door of the bedroom (left)...

That's the entrance to the bedroom (taken from the living area)...

The dining...

The kitchen (afar off)...

Another angle taken from the dining...


Circuit breaker...

Still more's just taking time for each pic since I did not reduce the quality so that you can see them real good....

Santorina, Now With Concrete Slab for 2nd Floor

Santorina units at St. Joseph Village 9 is sold with concrete slab for the 2nd floor. The developer noticed many buyers wishing it your wish has come true. So it's the same design, only with sturdier 2nd floor...of course, price will follow. It's also available in 80 and 100-sqm lot cut and just a few (5 out of 7 yesterday) left open.

Total Contract Price
80-Core: 1,480,000
80-Complete: 1,680,000
100-Core: 1,568,000
100-Complete: 1,768,000

Reservation is only 10,000. Bring it with you when you go tripping so you have the power to hold the unit you want. Bring also your latest 1 month payslip/proof of income, valid ID, and Meralco bill.

Facade of Santorina

Monday, April 16, 2007

Jubilation East, Jubilation New Binan

Last Friday (April 13) I went to Jubilation East to take pictures, as requested by one of my wasn't easy since picture-taking is not allowed, the caretaker told me. He said he'll ask the guard. I said it's the only way my buyers can see what they're buying since 95% of them are not in the Philippines and they are not sufficed with brochure images. I said I work online. Among all those I work with (all the sales people in our office), all of them work offline, giving leaflets, doing saturation, site manning, etc...I alone do everything online like having my website, blogging, chatting, I help our people who are out of the country get the house/property they want/need within their financial capacity WHILE they are still abroad.

Being heard of my reason, the guard allowed me...only that when someone arrives (other site trippers) that I stop taking pictures so they will not get the impression it is allowed. Having 99% of the sales force of the real estate industry working offline, can I say that there's just a very very low chance you'd see pictures of Jubilation East online? feast your eyes on the 2 model houses that are erected...Nidana Elite and Maja Elegance. They are the model houses available for viewing.

But there are just too many pictures...I'll have to group them into 3, one per post...the site development, Nidana Elite, and Maja Elegance.

Since I walked from the Pavilion Mall, let me start from always, you can click on the image to see the larger version.

The Pavilion Mall...right side is the Jubilation Road which starts the Jubilation Loop...

...the front of the Pavilion Mall, taken from the same spot I was when I took the previous picture...

After I went through the first building, this is where I exited...towards the entrance to the next building...I was starving so I when I saw Jollibee, I did not hesitate to eat lunch at 2PM...

...looking to the left of Jubilation Loop...that's the way to Springtime County, Villaggio di Xavier 1 and 2, then Jubilation since I walked, that's the way I took...

See the tricycle station? (I crossed the street to 'building B')...

'Building A' taken from 'building B'
There's a tricycle stand with tricycles waiting to serve residents...

I went till the end of 'building B' to the supermarket, PUREGOLD...

Another shot of the supermarket...

I went out the left exit...

Parking area of Pavilion Mall...

Moving away...towards my destination...

Pavilion Motortown: if your vehicle needs fixing...

Afar off is the Springtime County which was the first pocket development with around 400 units to fully sell in less than a year!

To the left is the 17-hectare land for the Jubilation Town Center which is accessibly situated at the center of Jubilation, walkable from any pocket development. Apart from the commercial establishments, at this Center will also be the Jubilation Sports Complex and Church. The road surrounding this Center is the Jubilation Loop, which you see now my feet trod.

Afar off you can already see the houses of Jubilation East...

You can see the strong breeze...

You see the road to Springtime County and Villaggio di Xavier...That mansion you see is part of Jubilation East whose owner built his/her own design (as long as it's still asian)...

Almost there...see how wide Jubilation Loop is? It is a one-way traffic and this one goes to the Pavilion Mall...if you want to go to Mamplasan Exit you will pass under the Pavilion Mall and left towards the other side of the loop which will pass by Jubilation West 1 and 2.

Almost there...

Ahh...finally...I reached the gate...

The guardhouse...with glasswindow...

Below will be pics of different areas of the place...take note that Jubilation East is still under development. Despite that, there are many houses built already and I've heard 3 families are living there already...

Price increase effective April 16, 2007 by about 15%. Those who bought earlier (especially earliest) gained already and are continually gaining as the land appreciates.