Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Feb. 15 Inventory for SJV9 and 10


B15 L6,8,13,15,16,23-24, 27-31.
B19 L17-19,21,25,26.
B20 L17-19,23-27.

B10 L14,16,20-24,29,31-40.
B11 L5,6,11-16,18,20-36.
B12 L2-32. B21 L17, 22-24.

B2 L5. B26 L23-24.


B1 L1. B2 L4,20,52.
B3 L38-42,47-49.
B4 L4-7,11-15,18-23.
B5 L11-15,19-21,27-30,33-38,41-44.
B6 L13-14,16-20,25-27,30-33,36-39,42-44.
B12 L2-5,6-11,14-17,20-23,26-29,32-35,38-41,44-47,50-53,57-59.
B13 L9-10,13,15,26,30-31,35-37,40-43,47-49,52-55.
B14 L3-5,9-11,14-17,21-25,37,44-45,49-50.
B15 L33,38-40,43-46.

B9 L11.
B8 L13-19.
B16 L9-12.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Inventory of SJV9 as of Feb. 1

Will still have to get update today a little later for the latest to post here...meanwhile, here's last Friday's:


Blk 15: Lots 5, 8, 13, 15, 16, 23, 24, 27-31
Blk 16: Lots 11, 12
Blk 17: Lot 23
Blk 19: Lots 12, 13, 17-19, 21, 25-28
Blk 20: Lots 17-19, 22-27


Blk 10: Lots 10, 14, 16, 29-24, 29, 31-40, 42
Blk 11: Lots 5-8, 11-16, 18, 20-36
Blk 12: Lots 1-32
Blk 21: Lots 16-18, 22-24


Blk 26: Lots 12, 13, 23, 24, 25

Parklea (reopen):

Blk 7: Lot 27
Blk 30: Lots 6, 18

click on lot maps to get the one for SJV9.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Etc.: How Does a Mom Manage Her Time Between Family and Business?

It's never easy to be a mother. My mom has 6 kids. I got 3. I think she did a lot better than I do now. In a fast-paced world where money is almost always in another person's pocket, most mothers work for a living. We have the career women and the business women, where both groups usually comprise of mothers of less than 2 kids or none at all. And for those who got 2 or more, usually there's a nanny to watch over the kids.

Oftentimes, either you get one and lose the other. You get a job, lose the quality time you get for your family. And whoever said it's ok to have less quantity time as long as you have quality time is plain joking. Quality time depends much on the quantity and not merely on what you do with the time!

We're not rich. Not even average. So I have to do something to help my husband somehow. So he's employed (bread and butter), and I'm into real estate (obviously). But why real estate? It's the highest form of selling where I don't have to break my back bringing my product along! As long as you get the knack for computing, know your product, you can sell! Especially when you're connected internetwise!

Since I've been with the computer industry since 1985, I feel comfortable facing a monitor and developing a corn on my right wrist for holding a mouse. I've been on the net since 1995 when the internet is starting yet to have graphics. I was introduced to the net by a geek friend with a 2.4Kbps modem! The highest was a 14.4Kbps then. I couldn't browse because it was real slow so I learned to surf using Lynx which is text-based. Internet was so expensive then, like 30 hours a month would be around P500 and that's the cheapest! And being an infomaniac due to infoflooding, you got to manage your internet time wisely as well...so I learned to "surf" by email.

Then I learned how to make a webpage. Then I later got into real estate.

I was taught the traditional way of selling but I had to redesign almost everything so the business will adapt to my priorities like family and my hobbies (sure I do have hobbies!) :D

I have to work smart. And that's what I'm doing now. I'm home. Working. Listening to the news over the radio. Doing the laundry. Chatting with clients over YM. Eating lunch. Updating some pages (I just updated Vallejo Place, Cavite, Laguna since I have tripping this coming Sunday and Monday to that place. Kids just left for school. All those happened within the last hour.

A working mom, sure. But I never have to be deprived of my family, nor they be deprived of my time for them. I'm blessed! ;)